The main goal of this research training plan for Mr. Alhaji Janneh?s academic and scientific development is to define the downstream mechanism by which alterations in sphingolipid metabolism and signaling regulates tumor metastasis via cross talk between TRI/II and S1P signaling in solid tumors. This research goal is related to the expansion of studies proposed in the Specific Aim 3 of the parent grant. This proposal is designed to test the novel hypothesis that increased metabolism/hydrolysis of CerS4/ceramide to generate S1P induces cancer cell migration and tumor metastasis by crosstalk between TRI and S1PR1 receptors via activation of complement signaling. In addition to robust and rigourous research training plan, there is a strong mentoring plan that is in line with Mr. Alhaji Janneh?s future career plans in a strong scientific and academic environment in PI?s laboratory. This supplemental application will provide increased diversity and development of a minority researcher as an independent academic faculty in cancer research.
The main goal of this research training plan for Mr. Alhaji Janneh?s academic and scientific development is to provide increased diversity and development of a minority researcher as an independent academic faculty in cancer research.