Bauer, Lance O; Hesselbrock, Victor M (2003) Brain maturation and subtypes of conduct disorder: interactive effects on p300 amplitude and topography in male adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 42:106-15
Bauer, Lance O (2002) Differential effects of alcohol, cocaine, and opioid abuse on event-related potentials recorded during a response competition task. Drug Alcohol Depend 66:137-45
Bauer, L O (2001) Predicting relapse to alcohol and drug abuse via quantitative electroencephalography. Neuropsychopharmacology 25:332-40
Bauer, L O (2001) CNS recovery from cocaine, cocaine and alcohol, or opioid dependence: a P300 study. Clin Neurophysiol 112:1508-15
Bauer, L O (2001) Antisocial personality disorder and cocaine dependence: their effects on behavioral and electroencephalographic measures of time estimation. Drug Alcohol Depend 63:87-95
Stevens, M C; Kaplan, R F; Bauer, L O (2001) Relationship of cognitive ability to the developmental course of antisocial behavior in substance-dependent patients. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 25:1523-36
Deckel, A W; Cohen, D (2000) Increased CBF velocity during word fluency in Huntington's disease patients. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 24:193-206
Bauer, L O; Hesselbrock, V M (1999) P300 decrements in teenagers with conduct problems: implications for substance abuse risk and brain development. Biol Psychiatry 46:263-72
Wehr, A; Bauer, L O (1999) Verbal ability predicts abstinence from drugs and alcohol in a residential treatment population. Psychol Rep 84:1354-60
Bauer, L O; Hesselbrock, V M (1999) Subtypes of family history and conduct disorder: effects on P300 during the stroop test. Neuropsychopharmacology 21:51-62
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