EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. Insertional mutagenshave been particularlyvaluablefor geneticists. Inthe mouse,the useof insertionalmutagenesis for germlinegeneticscreens hasbeen limitedto transgeneinsertionand gene trapping inembryonicstem cell lines. In this proposal,we further characterizeand developa methodfor invivo gene trappingin the mouseusinga transposableelement. The methodrelieson the useof a synthetictransposableelementcalled Sleeping Beauty(SB), which is a reconstructedmemberof the Tcl/mariner family of DNA transposableelements. We havedemonstratedthat efficient mobilizationof SB transposonscan be made to occurin the germlineof transgenic miceand that noveltransposon insertionscan occurin or neargenes. Wepropose optimizationof the SB systemfor germlineand somatic cellinsertionalmutagenesisinthe mouse. Our goals includeadditional improvementsinthe transposonvectorand the transposaseenzyme, someof which havealreadybeen madeand are nowbeingtested mice, andsomeof which willbe achieved usinga novelselection methodthat utilizesthe retrovirallife cycle. Wewill determinehowthe siteof transposon excisionis repaired inthe presenceof a perfect copy of the transposonon a homologous chromosomeand on a geneticbackgroundwhich is defectivefor non-homologousend joining. Wewill also createa system in which ;potentiallyoncogeneictransposonsaremobilizedin somaticcellswith an aimto create modelsof cancerin the mousecaused by transposoninsertional mutagenesis. Finally,we haveshownthat thetransposableelement canbe used for stablelong-term gene transferinto somaticcells of mice andwe proposeto usethis techniqueto create modelsof cancerinthe mouseinwhich oncogenesand putativeoncogenesare directlytransferredinto somatictarget cells. Insummary,this proposalaimsto utilize, further improve,and better understanda mammalianactive transposableelementfor usein mousegermlinegeneticscreens,somatic cell mutagenesisfor cancergenes,and as a gene transfervehiclefor cancerstudies. PERFORMANCE SITE ========================================Section End===========================================
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