These studies of voice physiology use laryngostroboscopy, with simultaneous signals from Photoglottography (PG(i or transglottal transillumination) and Electroglottography (EGG or trans cervical impedance monitoring) to study the vibration of the vocal folds of humans during voice production, and to study how that vibration is changed with particular variations and abnormalities of muscular tension of the vocal folds. This research will examine how vocal strain, or effortful phonation changes the vibratory patterns of the vocal folds in normal subjects. The work will then compare the effortful phonation of normal voices to measures of vibration in patients who have lost normal voice quality because of vocal nodules, and then will examine how vocal fold vibration changes with successful treatment of the vocal nodules. The research will apply a standard multi-measurement protocol to obtain data during phonation in four populations of subjects with: normal voices, trained voices, and hoarse voices due to vocal nodules. This research addresses an important clinical need to define the pathophysiology of the development of vocal nodules, one of the most common causes of voice loss. This research will also provide important information to be used to develop clinically feasible measures that objectively quantify vocal fold vibration. The long term goals of this work are focused on better diagnoses of voice disorders and better assessment of treatment outcomes.
Jiang, J J; Raviv, J R; Hanson, D G (2001) Comparison of the phonation-related structures among pig, dog, white-tailed deer, and human larynges. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 110:1120-5 |
Jiang, J J; Chang, C I; Raviv, J R et al. (2000) Quantitative study of mucosal wave via videokymography in canine larynges. Laryngoscope 110:1567-73 |
Jiang, J; Lin, E; Hanson, D G (2000) Glottographic phase difference in recurrent nerve paralysis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 109:287-93 |
Lin, E; Jiang, J; Noon, S D et al. (2000) Effects of head extension and tongue protrusion on voice perturbation measures. J Voice 14:16-Aug |
Jiang, J; Lin, E; Hanson, D G (2000) Acoustic and airflow spectral analysis of voice tremor. J Speech Lang Hear Res 43:191-204 |
Jiang, J; Verdolini, K; Aquino, B et al. (2000) Effects of dehydration on phonation in excised canine larynges. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 109:568-75 |
Habermann, W; Jiang, J; Lin, E et al. (2000) Correlation between glottal area and photoglottographic signal in normal subjects. Acta Otolaryngol 120:778-82 |
Jiang, J; Lin, E; Hanson, D G (2000) Vocal fold physiology. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 33:699-718 |
Jiang, J; Lin, E; Wu, J et al. (2000) Effects of simulated source of tremor on acoustic and airflow voice measures. J Voice 14:47-57 |
Jiang, J; O'Mara, T; Conley, D et al. (1999) Phonation threshold pressure measurements during phonation by airflow interruption. Laryngoscope 109:425-32 |
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