Suzuki, Aae; Kozloski, James; Crawford, John D (2002) Temporal encoding for auditory computation: physiology of primary afferent neurons in sound-producing fish. J Neurosci 22:6290-301
Large, Edward W; Crawford, John D (2002) Auditory temporal computation: interval selectivity based on post-inhibitory rebound. J Comput Neurosci 13:125-42
Fletcher, L B; Crawford, J D (2001) Acoustic detection by sound-producing fishes (Mormyridae): the role of gas-filled tympanic bladders. J Exp Biol 204:175-83
Kozloski, J; Crawford, J D (2000) Transformations of an auditory temporal code in the medulla of a sound-producing fish. J Neurosci 20:2400-8
Marvit, P; Crawford, J D (2000) Auditory thresholds in a sound-producing electric fish (Pollimyrus): behavioral measurements of sensitivity to tones and click trains. J Acoust Soc Am 107:2209-14
Marvit, P; Crawford, J D (2000) Auditory discrimination in a sound-producing electric fish (Pollimyrus): tone frequency and click-rate difference detection. J Acoust Soc Am 108:1819-25
Crawford, J D; Huang, X (1999) Communication signals and sound production mechanisms of mormyrid electric fish. J Exp Biol 202:1417-26
Kozloski, J; Crawford, J D (1998) Functional neuroanatomy of auditory pathways in the sound-producing fish Pollimyrus. J Comp Neurol 401:227-52
Crawford, J D (1997) Feature-detecting auditory neurons in the brain of a sound-producing fish. J Comp Physiol A 180:439-50
Crawford, J D; Cook, A P; Heberlein, A S (1997) Bioacoustic behavior of African fishes (Mormyridae): potential cues for species and individual recognition in Pollimyrus. J Acoust Soc Am 102:1200-12
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