This research is to evaluate and compare the effects of four accepted, but quite different periodontal therapy modalities on human patients. The clinical variables to be evaluated are: (1) periodontal pocket depth, (2) periodontal attachment level, (3) presence of gingival bleeding, (4) presence of supragingival plaque, (5) tooth mobility, (6) molar furcation involvement, and (7) relative proportions of certain subgingival microorganism types determined by dark field microscopy. Each patient, with generalized moderate to severe periodontitis, will be treated with Phase I non-surgical periodontal therapy. The effects of the non-surgical periodontal therapy on the variables will be assessed. During Phase I therapy, each of the patient's four dental quadrants will receive either (1) coronal scaling and polish, (2) deep root planing, (3) modified Widman flap surgery, or (4) flap surgery with ostectomy to achieve positive osseous architecture. Each patient will receive maintenance therapy every three months. Yearly data will be gathered to analyze the clinical variables and compare the efficacy of the four modalities of therapy.
Kaldahl, W B; Kalkwarf, K L; Patil, K D et al. (1996) Long-term evaluation of periodontal therapy: II. Incidence of sites breaking down. J Periodontol 67:103-8 |
Kaldahl, W B; Johnson, G K; Patil, K D et al. (1996) Levels of cigarette consumption and response to periodontal therapy. J Periodontol 67:675-81 |
Kaldahl, W B; Kalkwarf, K L; Patil, K D et al. (1996) Long-term evaluation of periodontal therapy: I. Response to 4 therapeutic modalities. J Periodontol 67:93-102 |
Ah, M K; Johnson, G K; Kaldahl, W B et al. (1994) The effect of smoking on the response to periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol 21:91-7 |
Reinhardt, R A; Masada, M P; Kaldahl, W B et al. (1993) Gingival fluid IL-1 and IL-6 levels in refractory periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol 20:225-31 |
Kalkwarf, K L; Kaldahl, W B; Patil, K D (1992) Patient preference regarding 4 types of periodontal therapy following 3 years of maintenance follow-up. J Clin Periodontol 19:788-93 |
Kaldahl, W B; Kalkwarf, K L; Patil, K D et al. (1990) Responses of four tooth and site groupings to periodontal therapy. J Periodontol 61:173-9 |
Kaldahl, W B; Kalkwarf, K L; Patil, K D et al. (1990) Relationship of gingival bleeding, gingival suppuration, and supragingival plaque to attachment loss. J Periodontol 61:347-51 |
Reinhardt, R A; McDonald, T L; Bolton, R W et al. (1989) IgG subclasses in gingival crevicular fluid from active versus stable periodontal sites. J Periodontol 60:44-50 |
Kalkwarf, K L; Kaldahl, W B; Patil, K D et al. (1989) Evaluation of gingival bleeding following 4 types of periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol 16:601-8 |
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