The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is seeking continued support for the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention sponsored Environmental Health Specialist (EHS-Net) cooperativeagreement. The NYSDOH is requesting support for both the foodborne and waterborne disease surveillanceand control activities. Of particular interest is improving identification of the organisms responsible foroutbreaks. The NYSDOH, in conjunction with local health departments, the NYS Department of Agricultureand Markets, and Federal agencies (CDC, FDA, and USDA) will work to improve the timeliness, accuracyand completeness of reporting of food and waterborne disease outbreaks. In addition, New York State willassist in developing standard reporting tools and will participate in special projects such as the RestaurantOutbreak/Non-Outbreak Study. All work on the EHS-Net project will be coordinated with the New York StateEmerging Infections Program (NYS EIP) and other New York State public health programs.