Powell, M D; Gray, D M (1993) Characterization of the Pf3 single-strand DNA binding protein by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Biochemistry 32:12538-47
Peterson, C A; Gray, D M; Gray Jr, H B et al. (1993) Evidence for a salt-induced conformational transition in UV-irradiated superhelical PM2 DNA. Biochim Biophys Acta 1216:265-72
Antao, V P; Gray, D M (1993) CD spectral comparisons of the acid-induced structures of poly[d(A)], poly[r(A)], poly[d(C)], and poly[r(C)] J Biomol Struct Dyn 10:819-39
Clack, B A; Gray, D M (1992) Flow linear dichroism spectra of four filamentous bacteriophages: DNA and coat protein contributions. Biopolymers 32:795-810
Gray, D M; Ratliff, R L; Vaughan, M R (1992) Circular dichroism spectroscopy of DNA. Methods Enzymol 211:389-406
Johnson, K H; Gray, D M (1992) Analysis of an RNA pseudoknot structure by CD spectroscopy. J Biomol Struct Dyn 9:733-45
Johnson, K H; Gray, D M (1991) A method for estimating the nearest neighbor base-pair content of RNAs using CD and absorption spectroscopy. Biopolymers 31:373-84
Johnson, K H; Gray, D M (1991) An estimate of the nearest neighbor base-pair content of 5S RNA using CD and absorption spectroscopy. Biopolymers 31:385-95
Johnson, K H; Gray, D M; Sutherland, J C (1991) Vacuum UV CD spectra of homopolymer duplexes and triplexes containing A.T or A.U base pairs. Nucleic Acids Res 19:2275-80
Johnson, K H; Gray, D M; Morris, P A et al. (1990) A.U and G.C base pairs in synthetic RNAS have characteristic vacuum UV CD bands. Biopolymers 29:325-33
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