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Badura, L L; Goldman, B D (1992) Central sites mediating reproductive responses to melatonin in juvenile male Siberian hamsters. Brain Res 598:98-106
Badura, L L; Goldman, B D (1992) Seasonal regulation of neuroendocrine activity in male Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti): role of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. Neuroendocrinology 55:477-84
Goldman, B D (1991) Parameters of the circadian rhythm of pineal melatonin secretion affecting reproductive responses in Siberian hamsters. Steroids 56:218-25
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Bartness, T J; Goldman, B D; Bittman, E L (1991) SCN lesions block responses to systemic melatonin infusions in Siberian hamsters. Am J Physiol 260:R102-12
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Elliott, J A; Bartness, T J; Goldman, B D (1989) Effect of melatonin infusion duration and frequency on gonad, lipid, and body mass in pinealectomized male Siberian hamsters. J Biol Rhythms 4:439-55
Bartness, T J; Goldman, B D (1989) Mammalian pineal melatonin: a clock for all seasons. Experientia 45:939-45
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