This application is in response to an NIH Program Announcement that encouraged """"""""the use of formal demography in the development of methodological research tools for measurement and analysis of immigration, and emigration flows...development of projections that account for different demographic assumptions about immigrants...research on the spatial distribution of immigrants...includ(ing) initial settlement, subsequent internal movement of immigrants, and the relationship between the foreign-born population to that of the native-born residents."""""""" The principal investigator proposes to apply methods of multiregional demography to address these questions. These methods will be extended by opening (to international migration) the closed formal model of multiregional demography, by introducing foreign-borns and birthplace dependent behavior into the model, and by using model schedules and indirect estimation methods to infer and correct data describing such demographic behavior, especially migration behavior.
Rogers, A; Raymer, J (2001) Immigration and the regional demographics of the elderly population in the United States. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 56:S44-55 |