Our study will move the rMtld forward by shedding light on httorosexual HIV risk factors In 8 population that is among the most vulnerable and sligmalized in the Unit&d Stat.s and that has suffered from a dearth 01 attention from the sclentiftc community.
Aim 1 a qualitative Interviews will pltrmit us to aeniev. a rich undet""""""""!tanding of homeless men's gender-fBlated attitudes end now these altitudes may Influence men's dacisions to use or not use condoms during speclflc sexual events with women.
Aim la IntelVIews will also help inform which specific questions r&garding gender attitudes should be included in the Aim 1b structured interview. aualilati~ results of Aim 18 and quantilative relults of Aim lb Interviews will serve as a spring board for further researth and Intervention to address the complicated sodal context of heterouwa/ risk behaviors among homeless men. Products of this study wi. include at least two scholarly joumalarticlel, several scholarly presentations, and a subsequent research proposal. To ensure that result. of this study benefit the community, we wilt convene and engage a panel consisting of local provider-experts in HIV/AIOS and homelessnlns. In leveral meetings each year, we wi! discuss our emerging findings and seek ongoing feedback as we work towards a plan for a subsequent propoaatto ~op. social contextual Intervention tailored to this population. Participants in these discussions may Include, for example, representalives from AIOS Project L.A., The Black AIDS Institute, Shetter Partnership, and Common Ground.
This project is relevant to the public health because it focuses on sexual risk behaviors among homeless men who have sex with women (MSW). Men play a major role in the HIV epidemic, with homeless MSW being an important yet understudied segment of this population. Results from this project can help enhance HIV prevention and intervention services for homeless MSW by understanding how their engagement in heterosexual risk behavior is influenced by the context and relationship dynamics of their sexual events, the composition and structure of their personal networks, and their individual attitudes/beliefs about gender roles and HIV/AIDS.
Hsu, Hsun-Ta; Wenzel, Suzanne; Rice, Eric et al. (2015) Understanding Consistent Condom Use Among Homeless Men Who Have Sex with Women and Engage in Multiple Sexual Partnerships: A Path Analysis. AIDS Behav 19:1676-88 |
Rhoades, Harmony; Wenzel, Suzanne L; Golinelli, Daniela et al. (2014) Predisposing, enabling and need correlates of mental health treatment utilization among homeless men. Community Ment Health J 50:943-52 |
Kennedy, David P; Brown, Ryan A; Golinelli, Daniela et al. (2013) Masculinity and HIV Risk among Homeless Men in Los Angeles. Psychol Men Masc 14:156-167 |
Tucker, Joan S; Wenzel, Suzanne L; Golinelli, Daniela et al. (2013) Understanding heterosexual condom use among homeless men. AIDS Behav 17:1637-44 |
Kennedy, David P; Wenzel, Suzanne L; Brown, Ryan et al. (2013) Unprotected sex among heterosexually active homeless men: results from a multi-level dyadic analysis. AIDS Behav 17:1655-67 |
Brown, Ryan A; Kennedy, David P; Tucker, Joan S et al. (2013) Monogamy on the Street: A Mixed-Methods Study of Homeless Men. J Mix Methods Res 7: |
Tucker, Joan S; Wenzel, Suzanne L; Kennedy, David P et al. (2013) Sex trade behavior among heterosexually active homeless men. Arch Sex Behav 42:1535-44 |
Green Jr, Harold D; Tucker, Joan S; Golinelli, Daniela et al. (2013) Social networks, time homeless, and social support: A study of men on Skid Row. Netw Sci (Camb Univ Press) 1:305-320 |
Rhoades, Harmony; Wenzel, Suzanne L (2013) Correlates of prescription drug misuse among heterosexually active homeless men. Subst Abus 34:143-9 |
Brown, Ryan A; Kennedy, David P; Tucker, Joan S et al. (2012) Sex and relationships on the street: how homeless men judge partner risk on Skid Row. AIDS Behav 16:774-84 |
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