Honeycutt, H; Lickliter, R (2001) Order-dependent timing of unimodal and multimodal stimulation affects prenatal auditory learning in bobwhite quail embryos. Dev Psychobiol 38:1-10
Lickliter, R (2000) The role of sensory stimulation in perinatal development: insights from comparative research for care of the high-risk infant. J Dev Behav Pediatr 21:437-47
Lickliter, R; Bahrick, L E (2000) The development of infant intersensory perception: advantages of a comparative convergent-operations approach. Psychol Bull 126:260-80
Bahrick, L E; Lickliter, R (2000) Intersensory redundancy guides attentional selectivity and perceptual learning in infancy. Dev Psychol 36:190-201
Carlsen, R; Lickliter, R (1999) Augmented prenatal tactile and vestibular stimulation alters postnatal auditory and visual responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks. Dev Psychobiol 35:215-25
Casey, M B; Lickliter, R (1998) Prenatal visual experience influences the development of turning bias in bobwhite quail chicks (Colinus virginianus). Dev Psychobiol 32:327-38
Columbus, R F; Lickliter, R (1998) Modified sensory features of social stimulation alter the perceptual responsiveness of bobwhite quail chicks (Colinus virginianus). J Comp Psychol 112:161-9
Sleigh, M J; Columbus, R F; Lickliter, R (1998) Intersensory experience and early perceptual development: postnatal experience with multimodal maternal cues affects intersensory responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks. Dev Psychol 34:215-23
McBride, T; Lickliter, R (1994) Specific postnatal auditory stimulation interferes with species-typical visual responsiveness in bobwhite quail chicks. Dev Psychobiol 27:169-83
Banker, H; Lickliter, R (1993) Effects of early and delayed visual experience on intersensory development in bobwhite quail chicks. Dev Psychobiol 26:155-70
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