Psychology typically makes a conceptual distinction between motivation -- processes that drive an individual to act -- and cognition -- processes by which information is processed. Despite the separation of these factors within Psychology, there are good reasons to believe that research on motivation and cognition need to be brought together more closely. Because motivation drives action, there is no cognition in the absence of motivational influences. Furthermore, cognitive neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology suggest that the brain areas responsible for motivational influences are not anatomically or functionally separable from those responsible for information processing. The goal of our proposed work is to reunite research on motivation and cognition. This goal is crucial both for our understanding of normal functioning and, more importantly for the mission of NIMH, for our ability to understand and treat cognitive deficits in patients with disorders. Our motivational framework, which derives from regulatory focus theory, assumes that people's motivational states can be focused on potential gains in the environment (a promotion focus) or on potential losses in the environment (a prevention focus). Our emphasis is on motivational influences on classification learning. Classification learning provides an ideal testbed for our studies because (a) much is known about the neurobiological systems and cognitive processes involved, (b) these neurobiological systems overlap extensively with those implicated in patients with clinical disorders, and (c) the PIs have over 25 years of combined experience in this field.
The specific aims are to examine the effects of regulatory focus on explicit hypothesis-testing learning (Project 1) and implicit similarity-based learning (Project 2). We also propose to introduce social focus into the regulatory focus-learning framework (Projects 3 and 4). Social motivational factors are likely critical to an understanding of many neuropsychological disorders (e.g., anxiety and depression). The public health implications of this work are many. First, without understanding normal functioning, we cannot determine whether clinical patients (e.g., those with anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, etc) perform poorly because their disorder leads to cognitive impairments, or because it leads to a motivational mismatch. Second, a more detailed understanding of the motivation-learning interface will lead to improved neuropsychological testing measures and rehabilitation training strategies. ? ? ?
Reno, James M; Thakore, Neha; Cormack, Lawrence K et al. (2017) Negative Affect-Associated USV Acoustic Characteristics Predict Future Excessive Alcohol Drinking and Alcohol Avoidance in Male P and NP Rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 41:786-797 |
Thakore, Neha; Reno, James M; Gonzales, Rueben A et al. (2016) Alcohol enhances unprovoked 22-28 kHz USVs and suppresses USV mean frequency in High Alcohol Drinking (HAD-1) male rats. Behav Brain Res 302:228-36 |
Grimm, Lisa R; Lewis, Benjamin; Maddox, W Todd et al. (2016) Stereotype Fit Effects for Golf Putting Nonexperts. Sport Exerc Perform Psychol 5:39-51 |
Reno, James M; Thakore, Neha; Gonzales, Rueben et al. (2015) Alcohol-preferring P rats emit spontaneous 22-28 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations that are altered by acute and chronic alcohol experience. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 39:843-52 |
Maddox, W Todd; Chandrasekaran, Bharath (2014) Tests of a Dual-systems Model of Speech Category Learning. Biling (Camb Engl) 17:709-728 |
Chandrasekaran, Bharath; Yi, Han-Gyol; Maddox, W Todd (2014) Dual-learning systems during speech category learning. Psychon Bull Rev 21:488-95 |
Chandrasekaran, Bharath; Koslov, Seth R; Maddox, W T (2014) Toward a dual-learning systems model of speech category learning. Front Psychol 5:825 |
Cooper, Jessica A; Worthy, Darrell A; Gorlick, Marissa A et al. (2013) Scaffolding across the lifespan in history-dependent decision-making. Psychol Aging 28:505-14 |
Crossley, Matthew J; Ashby, F Gregory; Maddox, W Todd (2013) Erasing the engram: the unlearning of procedural skills. J Exp Psychol Gen 142:710-41 |
Maddox, W Todd; Chandrasekaran, Bharath; Smayda, Kirsten et al. (2013) Dual systems of speech category learning across the lifespan. Psychol Aging 28:1042-56 |
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