Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA)Grant Application for the U.S. FDA'sFood Protection Task Force Conference (R13)Project SummaryThis application package is submitted to the FDA for consideration of renewal of theexisting FDA grant 1R13FD003344-01. The grant is currently on a no cost extensionwhich expires 9/29/2010. If approved, this year's grant renewal application will be usedfollowing the expiration of the existing no cost extension. The no cost extension grantdollars will be used as discussed in the extension request submitted August 4, 2009.The renewal request dollars will be used to fund or augment funding of six conferencesin Washington State in the late 2010/early-mid 2011 timeframe.The first two conferences are for the Food Protection Task Force. One will be held inSeattle and the second one will be held in Tacoma. Each conference is expected tohave approximately 35 attendees. This year's conferences will focus on building uponthe Rapid Response Team's efforts to reach out and work with other Food Safetyagencies in Washington State. In addition to the governmental agencies, groups fromindustry and academia will also be invited to the conferences. Additional goals of theconferences will be to provide training that helps improve food safety, developing anongoing dialog with Food Safety stakeholders across the state of Washington, andworking with other stakeholders on developing a team approach to recall efforts andfood trace-backs. Funds expended for this conference will be used for facility rental,morning and afternoon snacks, and conference publications and proceedingsdocuments.The second set of conferences will be held in cooperation with the Washington StateDepartment of Health, Food Safety Program. Both conferences will be held in Kent.Approximately 20 State and Local Health Agency staff usually attends this conference.Support of this group is consistent with the WSDA's goal of team building forimprovement of cooperation between State and local partners on food recalls and foodtrace-back/trace-forward efforts. Funds expended for this conference will support theattendance of two remote local health jurisdiction Food Safety Specialists, morning andafternoon snacks, and conference publications and proceedings documents.The third set of conferences are related to the Washington State dairy industrystakeholder group. Both conferences will be held in Seattle. Each conference isexpected to have up to 20 attendees. The group is primarily composed of industryrepresentatives with a few government officials in attendance from the WashingtonState Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Fundsexpended for this conference will be used for facility rental, morning and afternoonsnacks, and conference publications and proceedings documents.
Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) Grant Application for the U.S. FDA's Food Protection Task Force Conference (R13) Project Narrative This application package is submitted as a follow-on grant/renewal of existing FDA grant 1R13FD003344-01. This renewal request will be used to fund or augment funding of six Food Protection Task Force related conferences in Washington State in the 2010/early 2011 timeframe.