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Kapoor, S C; Krishna, G G (1991) Protein-induced modulation of renin secretion is mediated by prostaglandins. Am J Physiol 260:F688-94
Krishna, G G; Kapoor, S C (1991) Potassium depletion exacerbates essential hypertension. Ann Intern Med 115:77-83
Krishna, G G (1990) Hypokalemic states: current clinical issues. Semin Nephrol 10:515-24
Krishna, G G (1990) Effect of potassium intake on blood pressure. J Am Soc Nephrol 1:43-52
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Krishna, G G; Miller, E; Kapoor, S (1989) Increased blood pressure during potassium depletion in normotensive men. N Engl J Med 320:1177-82
Krishna, G G; Narins, R G (1989) Calcium channel blockers. Progression of renal disease. Circulation 80:IV47-51
Krishna, G G; Narins, R G (1988) Hemodynamic consequences of diuretic-induced hypokalemia. Am J Kidney Dis 12:329-31
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