Qualified Central Kentucky students enrolled in high school during the academic year of application serve as apprentices to investigators on biomedical research projects during an eight-week summer program at the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. Research projects are matched to student interest. Students are paid an hourly wage for full- time employment. Minority science teachers or teachers of significant numbers of minority students participate in the teacher component of the same program to receive hands-on research experience to carry back to the classroom. This program is part of a broad-based precollege and undergraduate science outreach effort at the University of Kentucky. Program participants are nurtured by this environment.
Hakansson, K; Cooper, H J; Emmett, M R et al. (2001) Electron capture dissociation and infrared multiphoton dissociation MS/MS of an N-glycosylated tryptic peptic to yield complementary sequence information. Anal Chem 73:4530-6 |
Sumner 2nd, W; Dunaway, M; Dillman 2nd, D G (1998) Cigarette continuity programs and social support for smoking. Arch Fam Med 7:264-8 |
Hogg, N; Singh, R J; Joseph, J et al. (1995) Reactions of nitric oxide with nitronyl nitroxides and oxygen: prediction of nitrite and nitrate formation by kinetic simulation. Free Radic Res 22:47-56 |