Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) occurs 48?72 hours (or more) following endotracheal intubation and accounts for half of all cases of hospital-acquired pneumonia. CDC reports and many clinical studies point to a critical need for preventing ventilator associated infections rather than fighting an often losing battle against acquired infection. Responding to this unmet need, WynnVision LLC, ?WV? will leverage strong preliminary results for antimicrobial-but-cytocompatible (ABC) nano- overcoats on as-manufactured intubation products to develop a new technology for eliminating or greatly reducing VAP/VAE. The WV approach, protected by a recent patent application, will involve multidisciplinary activities and third party testing to facilitate approaching FDA for approval.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) occurs 48?72 hours (or more) following endotracheal intubation and accounts for about half of all cases of hospital-acquired pneumonia. Patients who receive intubation include those who have suffered trauma, neonates, the elderly and the infirm. All are susceptible to VAP and related infections that are difficult to diagnose; treatment is often too late. WynnVision LLC (WV) aims to develop a new approach to prevent or greatly reduce the incidence of VAP and ventilator related infections. The new WV approach does not use antibiotics or antimicrobials that lead to ?super-bugs? and avoids heavy metals like silver. In summary, WV is aiming to prevent VAP and related infections with comfort and safety for patients. Results thus far show exciting promise for bringing much needed innovation for endotracheal tubes.