The Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Stress, Self-Control and Addiction (IRCSSA) unites over 50leading scientists with expertise in the interplay of stress, self-control and addictive behaviors. Each has aclear track record of interdisciplinary collaboration, and a commitment to addressing the public healthproblems posed by addictive behaviors. The goals of the R25 component of the IRCSSA are to develop andimplement educational programs and initiatives that (a) foster and enhance the process of conducting teamscience and (b) produce outcomes which advance a new interdisciplinary conceptualization of how stressdecreases self-control and facilitates addictive behaviors. These goals will be accomplished by developingand implementing (1) theme-based interdisciplinary Work Groups that integrate research strategies acrossthe consortium, (2) a Core Seminar Series and Inter-Laboratory Faculty and Postdoctoral Training Programsthat facilitate scientific interaction and training in new disciplines, (3) mentoring programs and institutionalreview processes that overcome obstacles to career development in interdisciplinary team science, and (4)training and dissemination strategies that guide IRCSSA scientists in the rapid translation of researchfindings to the community and to those developing public policy. The R25 component will interact with allprojects within the consortium, and will use an empirically-derived model of team science. The objectives ofthe R25 are to advance interdisciplinary interaction and education with regard to the interplay of stress, selfcontroland addiction, to expand on emerging educational and academic processes that recognize and fosterteam science, and to facilitate the translation of new findings into practice and policy with the goal ofreducing the significant morbidity and mortality associated with the target addictive behaviors of smoking,drinking and overeating.
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