This proposal requests funding for a Shared Instrument to support a new, state of the art, high performance computational cluster for structural and functional image analysis. Specifically, we are proposing a 344 node cluster, comprised of 2.8 Ghz Xenon processors, that will greatly enhance the ability of users of the Martinos Center to conduct their currently funded research projects. Four broad areas of users are identified, and will realize a dramatic benefit: a) fMRI studies (to increase the throughput of surface analysis and statistical characterization), b) voxel-based morphometry studies (to increase throughput on large morphometry studies), c) multimodal integration studies (to facilitate complex forward and inverse modeling used in EEGIMEG/MRI and diffuse optical tomography) and d) algorithm development users (to enhance turnaround on technique optimization, validation and implementation.) A common feature that makes this migration possible is the use of the Freesurfer processing stream. This software already has in place a comprehensive, demonstrated infrastructure for distributed processing. Each of these classes of users has operational solutions now that utilize an existing but out-dated multi-mode compute server. Each of these users, however, will benefit from a more advanced server and the increased capabilities it engenders. The user community for this proposed instrument is broad; spanning 4 institutions (MGH, BWH, MIT, and BU) and many departments within these institutions. Also, this instrument enhances the performances capabilities of two Regional Resources, enabling these facilities to deliver greater computational power to their user.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
Biomedical Research Support Shared Instrumentation Grants (S10)
Project #
Application #
Study Section
Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1-SSS-9 (30))
Program Officer
Tingle, Marjorie
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
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Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
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Li, Yi; Barkovich, Matthew J; Karch, Celeste M et al. (2018) Regionally specific TSC1 and TSC2 gene expression in tuberous sclerosis complex. Sci Rep 8:13373
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Li, Hua; Chow, Ho Ming; Chugani, Diane C et al. (2018) Linking spherical mean diffusion weighted signal with intra-axonal volume fraction. Magn Reson Imaging 57:75-82
Ellingsen, Dan-Mikael; Napadow, Vitaly; Protsenko, Ekaterina et al. (2018) Brain Mechanisms of Anticipated Painful Movements and Their Modulation by Manual Therapy in Chronic Low Back Pain. J Pain 19:1352-1365
Amiez, CĂ©line; Wilson, Charles R E; Procyk, Emmanuel (2018) Variations of cingulate sulcal organization and link with cognitive performance. Sci Rep 8:13988
Li, Hua; Chow, Ho Ming; Chugani, Diane C et al. (2018) Minimal number of gradient directions for robust measurement of spherical mean diffusion weighted signal. Magn Reson Imaging 54:148-152

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