Increasing knowledge about emerging infections, including strategies to prevent and control them, is a criticalpublic health priority. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) seeks to continue its contribution tonational and international work on emerging infections though Emerging Infections Program (EIP) activitiesincluding active bacterial core surveillance (ABCs) and MRSA projects; active surveillance for foodbornediseases (FoodNet); surveillance for respiratory diseases and syndromes; providing a rapid, flexible responseto emerging problems; collaborating on the rapid population-based survey capacity activity; conductingintegrated hepatitis surveillance for viral hepatitis, conducting surveillance for unexplained deaths and criticalillness; conducting training activities; and participating in EIP genomics risk factor activities. Further, MDHwill engage in additional site-specific activities including a neurodegenerative disease program and acting as aRegional PFGE Coordinating Center. Methods utilized for these activities include surveillance (includingactive statewide surveillance and sentinel site surveillance; both laboratory-based and syndromic);epidemiologic surveillance and investigations using molecular and microbiologic laboratory analysis; ease-control studies, cohort studies, and piloting and evaluation of prevention and intervention projects.
Aims ofMDH EIP include: (1) providing scientific leadership in EIP activities; (2) collaborating with CDC and otherEIP sites as part of a national network of EIPs; (3) maintaining flexibility and infrastructure to rapidlyIrespond to emerging infectious disease issues as they arise; (4) managing, analyzing, and interpreting datacollected through EIP activities; and (5) disseminating information from EIP projects to health care providers,public health partners, and the scientific community through multiple mechanisms including scientificimeetings and publications. Because of MDH's decade of experience with EIP projects, effective operatingstructures and partnerships are established. Thus, with this application, MDH is in a position to build onexisting expertise when implementing new EIP projects such as Surveillance for Respiratory Diseases andSyndromes. MDH EIP activities address the 'Healthy People 2010' focus area(s) of Immunization andInfectious Diseases, and the performance goal of the CDC National Center for Infectious Diseases to 'ProtectAmericans from infectious diseases.'
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