This proposal describes the development, implementation and maintenance of a data coordinating center(CoC) for the second phase of the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. The SEARCH study CoC is beingproposed by a team of investigators from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFUSM) inresponse to an RFA from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention entitled, 'Incidence, NaturalHistory, and Quality of Life of Diabetes in Youth' (RFA-DP-05-069). WFUSM is well positioned to serve inthis capacity, having served as the CoC for the first phase of the SEARCH study since 2001. This study wasa six-center study examining the prevalence, incidence, and clinical presentation of diabetes among youth 0- 19years by diabetes type, ethnicity, gender and age, since 2001. Data from over 10,000 youth,representing prevalent cases in 2001 and incident cases in 2002 - 2005 atthe six SEARCH centers (SouthCarolina, Cincinnati, Seattle, Southern California, Colorado, Hawaii), is currently being stored and analyzedby the WFUSM SEARCH CoC. The WFUSM will provide statistical and operational support to address thefollowing study aims proposed by the original SEARCH clinic sites for the second phase of SEARCH: (1) toprospectively ascertain newly diagnosed (2006-2008) incident diabetes cases in children/youth <20 years ofage and collect data that permits estimation of temporal trends in diabetes incidence by age-group, gender,race/ethnicity anddiabetes type for the period 2002 - 2008; (2)to conduct longitudinal follow-up of incidentcases already recruited to SEARCH in 2003 - 2005 in order to document the evolution of newly diagnoseddiabetes according to clinical and biochemical factors and characterize the evolution of key risk factors fordiabetes complications, according to diabetes type and race/ethnicity; (3) to assess the impact of quality ofdiabetes care in youth on short- and long-term outcomes including quality of life by completing analytic workinitiated in SEARCH as described in the Quality of Care Roadmap and expanding the scope of quality ofcare assessment initiated in SEARCH in order to explore the interrelationships of patient characteristics,important domains of health care with outcomes, including glycemic control, satisfaction with care, receipt ofrecommended services, complications, and quality of life; and (4) to develop and validate simple and low-cost case definitions and classifications of diabetes types in youth that can be used for public healthsurveillance. Additionally, the WFUSM CoC will develop a plan to secure a central laboratory for theSEARCH study for storage and analysis of blood and urine sample and storage of DNA for ancillary studies.This phase of the SEARCH study will build on the knowledge gained in the first phase of the study, and willprovide valuable clinical and public health information to address the growing problem of childhood diabetes.
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