Indiana State Department of Health Conformance with the MFRPSPI: Scott Gilliam RFA-FD-12-007Project Summary/Abstract:This funding opportunity will allow Indiana to contribute to a nationally integrated food safetysystem by striving to achieve and maintain full conformance with the manufactured foodsregulatory program standards (MFRPS). The MFRPS would be used to assist Indiana indeveloping and maintaining best practices for a high-quality regulatory program. The MFRPSwill benefit consumers by the development of CodePal, an interactive food database system,and by ensuring the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Food Protection Program (FPP)is consistent with stringent national standards. The ISDH FPP will contribute to the upcoming2013 Public Health Accreditation Application to ensure the Center for Disease Control andPrevention's 10 Essential Services are being met by the agency. Conformance with theseprogram standards will align with the ISDH mission to promote and provide essential publichealth services to protect Indiana communities and is considered as equivalent to thisaccreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board. It will also help Indiana contribute toFederal and other State programs to better direct their regulatory activities at reducingfoodborne illness hazards in plants that manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods.1
Indiana State Department of Health Conformance with the MFRPS PI: Scott Gilliam RFA-FD-12-007 Project Narrative: ISDH completed its 5-year assessment in July for 2011-2016, the Indiana State Health Improvement Plan (I-SHIP), which incorporated in to Assure Food Safety as a top priority. This can be accomplished through education and working towards compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) MFRPS. This funding would allow the ISDH FFP to have a direct influence on public health in the nation and significantly impact the health of Hoosiers. 1