Application Title: Enhancement of California's Integrated Food Safety and Security System Project title: Development of California's Animal Food Testing Surveillance Program The California Department of Health, Food and Drug Laboratory Branch (FDLB) is the State food testing laboratory which serves as the primary servicing laboratory for the State of California?s Food and Drug Branch (FDB) which regulates animal food within the state. The purpose of this analytical track is to improve the animal food testing surveillance programs through the microbiological analysis of animal food products. The test results generated by these laboratories can be used to remove adulterated animal food from commerce and aid regulatory inspection programs in conducting investigations.
Micro A: Track 3 Project Narrative Application Title: Enhancement of California's Integrated Food Safety and Security System Project title: Development of California's Animal Food Testing Surveillance Program Development of California's Animal Food Testing Surveillance Program ensures the technical competency and capability of the laboratory to perform animal food testing for a variety of animal food products. It helps to expand the network of laboratories that have the capacity to support animal food testing. This ensures that FDA and its state partners are able to respond swiftly and rapidly to adulterated animal foods. Specific tests and the results generated from the laboratory for animal food surveillance can be used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to remove adulterated animal food from the market. Increased activity through this cooperative agreement would increase analytical capacity for the FDA and advances a nationally integrated food safety system, which enhances animal food safety and allows for rapid response to animal food adulteration and support the new and innovative program initiated by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FMSA).