Application Title: New Jersey Food Testing Program ? Food Safety and Defense (2020-2025) Project Title: Genetic Relatedness and Genomic Characteristics of Vibrio Species Found in Oysters and Clams Harvested for Human Consumption Project Summary/Abstract ? Discipline A: Microbiology, Analytical Track 4: Whole Genome Sequencing The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) is pursuing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?s (FDA) Laboratory Flexible Funding Model cooperative agreement focused on improving the capability and capacity of NJ to maintain food safety and security. The Enterics, Foodborne, and Whole Genome Sequencing is housed within NJDOH?s Public Health Laboratory Services (PHLS) Microbiology Program. This project aims to enhance the understanding of genetic characteristics of pathogenic Vibrio spp. found in clams and oysters. These shellfish are a common source of foodborne illness in humans, due to their specific environmental characteristics and the frequency of their consumption raw. These shellfish are harvested in the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Coast waters of NJ and sampled throughout the summer months for detection of Vibrio spp (Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus). Typically, between 40-50 isolates are recovered from harvested shellfish each summer. Bacterial isolates from past harvesting seasons have been saved and stored frozen. Approximately 100 of these isolates will be revived and undergo DNA isolation and whole genome sequencing. The genomic sequences will be uploaded to national databases, which to date have very few Vibrio genomes included, despite the increase in cases of human pathogenesis in recent years. The addition of these genomes will help expand understanding of genetic characteristics of Vibrio spp that are found in these shellfish and enhance the ability to detect genetic relatedness between isolates found in human specimens. These data will also allow comparisons between isolates found in various environmental settings. Finally, mentorship and/or training will be provided to other member laboratories in the processes of whole genome sequencing to aid in the expansion of this important laboratory tool. This project will serve to significantly expand the understand of an emerging threat to the food supply from aquatic food sources. By better understanding the science behind Vibrio contamination of shellfish, NJDOH, its State partners, and FDA will be able to better safeguard the food supply.
Application Title: New Jersey Food Testing Program ? Food Safety and Defense (2020-2025) Project Title: Genetic Relatedness and Genomic Characteristics of Vibrio Species Found in Oysters and Clams Harvested for Human Consumption Project Narrative ? Discipline A: Microbiology, Analytical Track 4: Whole Genome Sequencing The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) will enhance the understanding of genetic characteristics of a food contaminant of growing concern, pathogenic Vibrio spp. found in clams and oysters. Approximately 100 Vibrio historical isolates will be revived and undergo DNA isolation and whole genome sequencing. By better understanding the science behind Vibrio contamination of shellfish, NJDOH, its State partners, and FDA will be able to better safeguard the food supply.