The National Center for CryoEM Access and Training (NCCAT), based at the New York Structural Biology Center, provides access to state-of-the-art equipment, including specimen preparation robots, high-end microscopes and direct detectors, screening microscopes, and all the other ancillary equipment required to solve structures to the highest possible resolution using cryo electron microscopy (cryoEM) methods. A highly qualified technical team provides direct support, guidance and assistance to ensure that structures of the highest quality are produced in the shortest possible time. A cross-training program provides training to users across a wide variety of skill levels and career goals. This is a request for supplemental funding for the National Center for CryoEM Access and Training (NCCAT) to upgrade a Titan Krios microscope with a next generation electron source and energy filter. Additional supplemental funding is requested for a 120 KeV TEM that will be used for training activities at NCCAT.
CryoEM has unique capabilities for the study of biological systems that are not accessible to other structural methods. Recent technical advances in single-particle cryoEM have made it capable of generating reliable atomic models of complete and fully functional macromolecular complexes. NCCAT will provide nationwide access to state-of-the-art equipment, technical support, and cross-training to enable the production and analysis of high-resolution cryoEM structures.