A Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) is proposed as an expansion to the International Center for Public Health (ICPH) in Newark, New Jersey. The ICPH was developed as a partnership between the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) and the Public Health Research Institute (PHRI); it houses PHR1I and the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and National Tuberculosis Center of NJMS. The proposed RBL will add 4,250 gross square feet (GSF) of BSL-2 laboratory space and 13,480 GSF of BSL-3 laboratory and animal space to accommodate a growing number of infectious diseases and biodefense researchers from the Region II Regional Center of Excellence (RCE). The ICPH currently features an enhanced 7,500 GSF core of BSL-3 lab and animal space for Newark-based researchers. It also serves as a primary animal core facility for the Region II RCE, which will quickly stress its capacity. The proposed RBL expands the ICPH research capability while maximizing its pre-existing support infrastructure. Five new resident biodefense research faculty will be recruited by NJMS and PHRI for the RBL. It will also provide facilities for two long-term visiting RCE scientists and short-term space for commuting Region II RCE investigators. (Of the 208 scientists participating in the Region II RCE program, over 50% work within 25 miles of the proposed RBL). When the RBL is operational, it will create a critical mass of biodefense scientists in Newark and serve as a specialized laboratory for emerging regional and national biodefense needs.