The purpose of the supplement is to collect data during this pandemic (a shared stressor) to: 1) understand how vulnerable populations (such as older adults) interpret and deal with the stresses associated with Covid-19; 2) how this differs from aspects of their previous lives; and 3) how the pandemic influences the data collection for the parent project. In addition, it is an opportunity to assess data on individuals in the Notre Dame Study of Health & Well-being (NDHWB) for whom we have up to 10 years of questionnaire data and 5 daily diary bursts) to assess the effects of this stressor on individuals in the study and how this may differ by age and context. In order to accomplish these goals we will augment the study with four 28-day daily diary bursts and four global questionnaires on 450 individuals (including the 221 currently enrolled in the parent project). We collected daily diary data on 359 individuals (during the social isolation phase (April) and plan to continue this as we transition back to ?normal? to assess the potential influences that range from a second outbreak to a full recovery (July, October, January, and April).
The purpose of this project is first to model the influence of dysregulation in psychobiological systems due to stress associated with Covid-19. We will study the effects of Covid-19 on the lives of individuals as they transition through this pandemic. Included will be questions about ?real time? stressors experienced on a daily basis (e.g., from work, family, finances, social isolation, fears associated with Covid-19), the coping strategies used (e.g., control, social support, diet/exercise, avoidance) and the effects on immediate physical and mental health (e.g., sleep, negative affect, vitality, health conditions). Second to utilize data from a 10-year longitudinal study to understand the effects of Covid-19 on the developmental trajectory of individuals in the NDHWB. Third, we will conduct checks on the data collected in the parent project before and after the primary influence period of the pandemic to assess any long term effects on the participants. The ability to focus our data collection on individuals experiencing a common stressor, to model subsequent disruption due to the pandemic, and assess their coping responses, increases exponentially the value of NDHWB for understanding risk, resilience, and recovery.