Channel-facilitated membrane transport. (i) We developed a general theory of fluctuations of ion current through a membrane channel due to partial blocking of the channel by translocating molecules. (ii) We developed a theory of transport of molecules through conical channels and showed that inter-particle interactions break the flux symmetry inherent in transport of non-interacting particles through such channels. Two-state protein folding. We developed a theory of two-state protein folding assuming that underlying dynamics is formulated in terms of rate equations on a network of coarse-grained discrete states of the protein. Our theory allows one to find folding and unfolding rates as well as most probable folding/unfolding pathways. Dynamics of morphogen gradients in the Drosophila Embrio. We developed a theory of signaling gradients in cascades of two-state reaction-diffusion systems that provides a new insight into the experimental observations made in Professor Shvartsman's Lab. at Princeton University. Transport in complex media with entropy traps and barriers. We developed a theory that explains anomalous dependence of the particle diffusivity on its radius for diffusion in tubes with dead ends. Diffusive escape from dendritic spines. We developed a theory that explains how the particle lifetime in a dendritic spine depends on geometric parameters of the spine, initial position of the particle, and its diffusivity in the spine neck and head.
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Makarov, Dmitrii E (2018) Communication: Transition-path velocity as an experimental measure of barrier crossing dynamics. J Chem Phys 148:201102 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Bezrukov, Sergey M (2018) Stochastic Gating as a Novel Mechanism for Channel Selectivity. Biophys J 114:1026-1029 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Makarov, Dmitrii E (2018) Single-Molecule Test for Markovianity of the Dynamics along a Reaction Coordinate. J Phys Chem Lett 9:2190-2195 |
Skvortsov, Alexei T; Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Dagdug, Leonardo (2018) Trapping of diffusing particles by short absorbing spikes periodically protruding from reflecting base. J Chem Phys 149:044106 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Bezrukov, Sergey M (2018) Effect of stochastic gating on the flux through a membrane channel: a steady-state approach. J Phys Condens Matter 30:254006 |
Dagdug, Leonardo; Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Zitserman, Vladimir Yu (2018) Note: Diffusion-limited annihilation in cavities. J Chem Phys 148:246101 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Bezrukov, Sergey M (2018) Mapping Intrachannel Diffusive Dynamics of Interacting Molecules onto a Two-Site Model: Crossover in Flux Concentration Dependence. J Phys Chem B : |
Skvortsov, Alexei T; Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Dagdug, Leonardo (2018) Trapping of diffusing particles by spiky absorbers. J Chem Phys 148:084103 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Bezrukov, Sergey M (2017) Effect of stochastic gating on channel-facilitated transport of non-interacting and strongly repelling solutes. J Chem Phys 147:084109 |
Berezhkovskii, Alexander M; Dagdug, Leonardo; Bezrukov, Sergey M (2017) A new insight into diffusional escape from a biased cylindrical trap. J Chem Phys 147:104103 |
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