A. Regulation of C3 and C5 gene expression: The controlled regulation of C3 and/or C5 gene expression - ideally from the cell surface - would be an additional means to manipulate Th1 and CTL responses at will. In collaboration with Steve Holland (NIAID, NIH) and Adrian Hayday (KCL), we have identified the integrin LFA-1 as a master regulator of C3 gene expression in a range of immune cells and are currently assessing the in vivo significance and druggability of this novel integrin/complement cross-talk. A manuscript will be submitted by the end of October 2018. B. Direct regulation of IL-10 production: We have identified a receptor that, when activated, completely abrogates IL-10 switching in Th1 cells. We are currently assessing the signaling pathway driven by this receptor that leads to the loss of IL-10 production in CD4+ T cells. We have additionally identified a novel role for fatty acid metabolism as driver of human CTL full killing capacity and the work is in press in Nature Communications.
Ellinghaus, Ursula; Cortini, Andrea; Pinder, Christopher L et al. (2017) Dysregulated CD46 shedding interferes with Th1-contraction in systemic lupus erythematosus. Eur J Immunol 47:1200-1210 |
Kolev, Martin; Kemper, Claudia (2017) Keeping It All Going-Complement Meets Metabolism. Front Immunol 8:1 |
Arbore, Giuseppina; Kemper, Claudia; Kolev, Martin (2017) Intracellular complement - the complosome - in immune cell regulation. Mol Immunol : |
Freeley, Simon; Kemper, Claudia; Le Friec, Gaƫlle (2016) The ""ins and outs"" of complement-driven immune responses. Immunol Rev 274:16-32 |
Arbore, Giuseppina; Kemper, Claudia (2016) A novel ""complement-metabolism-inflammasome axis"" as a key regulator of immune cell effector function. Eur J Immunol 46:1563-73 |
Hess, Christoph; Kemper, Claudia (2016) Complement-Mediated Regulation of Metabolism and Basic Cellular Processes. Immunity 45:240-54 |