"This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)."
Professor David Statman of Allegheny College is supported by the Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry to study the interactions between azo dyes, nematic liquid crystals, and polymer surfaces that lead to surface director gliding, and affect bulk reorientation. Photoinduced reorientation and surface gliding will be measured using various pump-probe techniques. The goal is to enhance our understanding of how photoexcitation of the dye facilitates reorientation of the easy axis at polymer surfaces. It is anticipated that this research may lead to new technologies based on liquid crystal materials. The educational activities include training of undergraduate students at Allegheny College, and exposing them to an international research experience at the Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.