The proposed research is aimed at using the technology of Integer Linear Programming (ILP) for exploring controlled mobility in wireless networks. We consider multi-hop wireless networks were a large number of nodes are statically placed and only some of them can move. By using ILP techniques we want to show that routes and schedules for the mobile nodes can be found that optimize crucial network performance metrics, such as the network lifetime and the end-to-end data packet latency. Contributions of the proposed research are multifold. We expect to advance the state of the art in wireless networks where some nodes are mobile. Furthermore, we will test and push the current capabilities in ILP modeling and solution technology. Among the expected outcome of the proposed research we will define complex models of realistic (in size, parameters, etc.) network scenarios; we will develop and test heuristics to make the ILP formulations more scalable; we will determine provable performance bounds on metrics of interests for wireless network, and we will compare heuristic solutions to these bounds for rigorous benchmarking and protocol design and optimization.