9522570 Mayer An International Conference on Ion Beam Anaysis is being held to address new, sophisticated ion beam techniques such as high energy beams, elastic recoil, and resonance methods in relation to advanced materials science characterization needs. Current topics in materials growth and related ion beam characterization are an integral part of the conference. There will be an opportunity to assess the field, and to establish ties between universities, research institutions, and industry. It is expected that top scientists in the field will attend, and that the Conference will provide an effective forum to discuss and delineate critical scientific issues in this research area, and to consider and define the approaches and techniques needed to address them. %%% An evaluation of the progress and status of Ion Beam Analysis and related materials processing and characterization issues, especially critical materials research areas of epitaxy, processing, and the relationship of materials research to device and circuit fabrication along with current assessments of the most important developments in this field will be of great value to the understanding and enhanced utilization of advanced materials in the field of electronics and photonics. ***