The multiparticle Schrodinger equation is the basic governing equation in quantum mechanics, and thus the foundation for much of chemistry and physics. A tremendous amount of effort, over several decades, has gone into approximating its solutions, but high-quality numerical solutions have proved elusive. Recently-developed mathematical tools for computing in high dimensions have revealed a new path toward such solutions, which this project will explore. Such solutions will enable accurate computation of chemical and physical properties of molecules and materials, and thus have an impact on many problems in chemistry, physics, biology, and materials science.
This research will occur in the Department of Mathematics at Ohio University, a state university located in the Appalachian region of southeastern Ohio, with a renewed commitment to strengthening its research at all levels. The research group will include both undergraduate and graduate students, who will contribute to this project and develop valuable skills in computational mathematics. The students will also learn about the research process and develop their skills at communicating mathematics.