9402854 Leadbetter Travel support and expenses are requested for the participation of at least 24 promising junior researchers and graduate students in the 3rd World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, which is to be held jointly with the 57th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). The Bernoulli Society schedules a 4-year "World Congress for Probability and Mathematical Statistics", which is an integral component of the infrastructure for scholarly exchange of ideas on an international level. It plays a role in the fields of probability and mathematical statistics similar to that of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in the field of mathematics. The Congress was last held in 1990 in Uppsala, Sweden, jointly with the 53rd annual meeting of the IMS. (The IMS and Bernoulli Society are the two principal international organizations for Mathematical Statistics and Probability.) This enormously successful conference provided strong encouragement to the societies to consider further joint meeting, designating Chapel Hill, NC (site of the University of North Carolina) as venue for the next Congress scheduled for June 19-25, 1994. The Congress is expected to attract up to 800 participants including many internationally recognized statisticians and probabilists. The Organizing Committee desires to encourage the attendance and significant involvement of promising junior researchers and graduate students, and has instituted a "Host/Mentor" program to pair junior participants with established researchers. This is designed to ensure their introduction to, and instigate significant interactions with talented senior and foreign statisticians and probabilists at the meeting. The Congress Program emphasizes probability and statistical theory and application with eleven invited sessions in Probability, thirteen in Statistical Theory and eleven on Applications. In add ition, a number of related workshops and special lectures are planned.