This project consists of a three-step strategy for supporting collaboration among diverse research communities with the goals of encouraging the research-based analysis of molecular visualization and defining the role of molecular visualization in the teaching of chemistry . An invitational workshop on molecular visualization in the teaching of chemistry will provide a forum for lead chemists, cognitive scientists, and chemical educators to define directions for new research and development in this field, in particular with respect to modes of interaction with visualizations of molecular structure and dynamics. The project also provides travel support for 20 teachers, school administrators, college and university faculty, and graduate students attending the Gordon Research Conference on Science Education and Visualization: International, August 5-10, 2001. In order to encourage continuing collaboration among In order to continue emerging collaborations that form at the 2001 Gordon Research Conference on Science Education and Visualization, participants will be invited to apply for five minigrants of $5,000 each to continue interdisciplinary collaborations formed to conduct research or development work in molecular visualization in science education.