This project extends a successful pilot two-year Certificate of Achievement and Associate of Science program in Tropical Forest Ecosystem and Agroforestry Management (Forest TEAM) to Kaua'i Community College. Articulation agreements between Hawai'i Community College and four-year colleges are being developed as well. Students are trained in advanced technology in the areas of digital surveying and environmental data logging, use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). On-line courses are being developed, which is necessary because of the geographic isolation of the islands. Due to a need for improvement in basic math and English skills by high school students applying for the program, the Forest TEAM program works with secondary schools in Hawai'i to get students involved with the Natural Resources Career Pathways program of the State Dept. of Education so the students will have the academic skills to enter college programs and succeed. Activities such as summer programs that include math, English and computer skills in applied settings; mentoring between students in the Forest TEAM program and high school students; and tutoring students entering the Forest TEAM program in math and science skills, ensure their academic success. The program consists of a collaboration with the Hawai'i Forest Industry Association, the Workforce Development Council of the State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, the Hawai'i Department of Education's Natural Resources Career Pathways program, UH Hilo College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, the UH Hilo Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology program, and the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at UH Manoa.