This award provides funding for the 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic (EM) Induction in the Earth. This workshop is sponsored every two years by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and is the primary forum for earth scientists in the world to share their EM research and plan international cooperative experiments. The workshop will be held in Beijing, China on October 23 ? 29, 2008 and will be hosted by the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), and the Geo-electromagnetic Committee of the China Geophysical Society.
EM measurements provide a unique view of the Earth because of the sensitivity of electrical conductivity to temperature, fluids, ore minerals, and lithologic variations. This sensitivity is important in monitoring environmental problems, exploring for energy and mineral occurrences, studying the interior structure of the Earth and other planets, and while investigating regions of potential natural and man-made hazards (e.g., seismic, volcanic, unexploded ordinance).
Other Chinese institutions, universities, and organizations will contribute to the operational expenses of the workshop. Support is also being sought by the PIs Chinese colleagues from Chinese organizations and international companies to help defray costs of the convention center rental, publication and publicity expenses, materials for participants, local transportation, and audiovisual equipment. The largest portion of the requested NSF funds will support travel for students and young scientists. There will also be support for a few senior scientists from developing countries. For many researchers, an assistance grant will be pivotal for them to obtain additional support from their home country or institution. The EM workshops in the past have fostered countless collaborations between U.S. scientists and their foreign counterparts.