The objective of the 2010 Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics Topical Meeting, to be held at the Monterey Plaza Hotel in Monterey, California, on July 25-28, 2010, is to discuss the rapidly evolving technology, in a small group, with leaders in the field.
Intellectual merit: The conference will assemble the key leaders in the field to present recent advances in Integrated Photonics research and will discuss future developments and applications in optical telecommunication, computing, storage, displays and monitoring. The meeting discussions will advance the leading edge of the research by bringing together researchers from the different disciplines, to define and answer their emerging needs of the next decades.
Broader impact: The Integrated Photonics research Topical Meeting has been the premier forum addressing the technology since 1972. It gathers both theoretical and experimental international experts in the field. The meeting offers a small platform conducive to direct dialog and discussions in identifying novel directions in photonics integration, enabled in particular by novel silicon and nano photonic technologies. This research covers multidisciplinary fields of science and impacts a broad range of applications, from the information technology to biomedical sensing. This Topical Meeting of the Optical Society of America will contribute to the training of participating students and the topics will be disseminated through the Conference Technical Digest.
The Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting was one of the most consolidated conferences in the field as it has run with no interruptions since 1972. The conference changed its name to Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR) to highlight the presence of two ubiquitous ingredients, silicon and nano, in integrated photonic devices. IPR, as tradition, covered all aspects of research in integrated photonics and nanophotonics, featuring innovative science and engineering results. Topics included active and compound semiconductor devices, dielectric waveguides and waveguide devices, modeling and numerical simulation, integrated diffractive optics, microphotonics, and the generation, detection, and transport of optical fields on the "nanoscale." Application areas within the scope of this meeting include telecommunications, information technology, optical computing, optical storage, displays, environmental monitoring, biomedical science and instrumentation, and quantum information processing and communication. The topics were organized in four sections: "Photonic Integration," "Devices and Components," "Numerical Methods and Theory," and "Nanophotonics and Applications." This NSF grant covered the registration costs and travel expenses for students to attend the 2010 Integrated Photonics and Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics Topical Meeting held July 25-28, 2010, in Monterey, California. This support allowed the conference to be more affordable for the student's research group, making it more likely to attend the meeting. Students found it to be a valuable experience to interact with leading researchers in this field of science.