The area of expert system application to power system problems is fairly new. Some interesting applications and methodologies have been developed over the last several years: for example, power system fault location, alarm interpretation and reduction, operation and control, etc. Implementation of expert systems in the real-world control centers is being performed in Japan and the U.S. The area of expert systems was one of the ten critical areas selected for discussion in the NSF Power System Workshop in Tempe, Arizona, in April 1987. Although progress has been made in the field, many fundamental issues remain to be investigated. The Symposium is organized by the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, with University of Tokyo, Japan, and University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. as co-organizers. The International Advisory Committee of the Symposium is chaired by Professor Y. Sekine. C. C. Liu, the proposer, is serving as a vice- chairman and the U.S. representative on the committee. According to the preliminary program a total of 89 papers will be presented in 18 sessions. The authors come form 21 countries throughout the world. Besides the U.S. papers there is an enthusiastic participation from other countries: Japan (17), Scandinavia (14), United Kingdom (5), Holland (4), France (1), Germany (1), etc. The Symposium covers various aspects of expert system related to power systems: from basic methodolgies to expert systems for specific functions in power system planning and operation. Both industry and universities are well represented according to latest registration figures.