9417390 Wetherbee This project proposes to significantly increase the number of American Indian students attaining four year and graduate degrees in computer science and engineering, FDLTCC and Fond du Lac Ojibwe School (a tribal K-12 institution) will hold summer camps for American Indian youth in grade 5-8, and bridge-to- college camps for grades 9-12, to study interesting, engaging computer science activities and applications. They shall also study traditional Native American view of the world - not to abandon standard Western scientific methods, but to examine fresh approaches to problem solving. FDLTCC will create a lower division computer science program designed specifically to support and encourage American Indian students through successful transfer to a four year institution to complete their upper division CISE studies. Formal mentoring and curriculum designed to encourage performance in a cooperative manner will characterize the tribal college program. This model, cultivating interest in CISE work among American Indian youth, supporting the bridge from K-12 schools to the tribal college, strongly supporting American Indian students in lower division CISE studies, and supporting students through transfer to high quality four year computer science programs, is designed to be attractive and applicable to tribal K-12 schools and colleges governed by sovereign tribal nations which are the key education providers for American Indian youth living on or near tribal lands. ***