In Phase II, SUNY LSAMP will be building on the infrastructure, research base and replicable models from Phase I and will scale up those programs with approaches that work and advance new initiative to address those areas of greatest challenge. The goals of SUNY LSAMP are to double the number of underrepresented minority students getting bachelors degrees in SMET disciplines; to encourage students to graduate study, into the professoriate and into the SMET workforce; to encourage curricular and pedagogical change in SMET disciplines and to institutionalize SUNY LSAMP goals. Strong emphasis will be placed on strengthening the program at key transition points (high school to college, 2- to 4-year college and undergraduate to graduate study), on replicating innovative program models, providing comprehensive student support services, continuing to build undergraduate research experience and strengthening the SUNY LSAMP Alliance.
SUNY LSAMP is a coalition of sixteen four-year and community colleges within the State University of New York (SUNY) system and program partners. Key program partners are Computer Associates, BP Amoco, Brookhaven National Laboratory; the New York State Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), and the SUNY Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (SUNY AGEP).