HRD 95-55812 Girves The CIC WISE Initiative proposes a comprehensive set of collaborative activities to help achieve gender equity on the 15 campuses of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), targeting upper division undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty women in science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM). The objectives are to enlarge the pool of undergraduate women pursuing SEM graduate study; to increase the number of female graduate students who pursue faculty careers; to increase the numbers of women who advance through the faculty ranks; and to improve the educational and professional climate for all SEM women. New activities include providing student leadership development workshops, professional development and socialization experiences (e.g., attending professional conferences), adapting and institutionalizing practices to enhance the campus climate for women (e.g., gender-equitable teaching workshops), facilitating electronic communication through creating a WISE web with resource materials, databanks, etc., and establishing an implemented electronic inter-institutional mentoring model. The goals are to be achieved by integrating a set of new activities with a series of existing, yet autonomous, CIC and institutional programs and plans. The project will expand opportunities for women students and faculty, focus attention on women in science issues, and add coherence and continuity to existing activities.