The major goal of this project is to establish a research Center for Distributed Computing: Theory, Development and Applications. This is a collaborative effort between Florida A&M University (FAMU) and Florida International University (FIU), both members of the State University System (SUS) of Florida. The proposed center would integrate education with research in the areas of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (SMET) to enable FAMU and FIU to conduct increase minority participation in SMET disciplines and promote minority participation in quality research activities. FAMU and FIU are in a unique position to establish this center. FAMU's student population is 90% African-American and that of FIU is 60% Hispanic. FAMU and FIU both have graduate programs in the related fields and FIU offers a doctoral program in Computer Science. The specific objectives of this project are: I. increase the number of minority students majoring and graduating in SMET; II. strengthen the research capabilities of FAMU and FIU at departmental levels; and III. increase the number of minority students pursuing advanced degrees in SMET. This proposal outlines a plan to use research as a tool to improve the enrollment of minority students at the graduate and undergraduate levels in SMET. These objectives will be achieved by upgrading the research capabilities at FAMU and FIU; recruiting regional high school SMET students, retaining these students and involving them in research. By meeting the above objectives, this project will increase minority scientists and practitioners in SMET.