9314872 Sorooshian This two-year award supports U.S.-France cooperative research in hydrology between research groups at the University of Arizona, led by Soroosh Sorooshian, and the Remote Sensing Laboratory in Montpellier under the direction of Alain Vidal. The objective of their research is to analyze data from several international field experiments, and integrate the data with hydrologic models that focus on the transfer of heat and moisture in temperate, arid and semiarid regions. The experiments include the Monsoon '90 experiment, sponsored by NASA, USDA-ARS and USGS, the CNES/NASA multi-aircraft campaign and the hydrologic-atmospheric pilot experiment in the Sahel. Fluxes of moisture and energy between the land surface and lower atmosphere are key components to understanding atmospheric processes and climate. The proposed multidisciplinary data analysis of ground-based measurements and remote sensing observations at different geological sites could lead to models which are applicable to a range of conditions and sites. The project takes advantage of the complementary expertise of the U.S. and French teams in analysis of remotely sensed data and in hydrologic modeling. ***