Abstract INT-9402225: U.S. National Committee on SCOPE This award will provide core support to the National Academy of Science (NAS) to manage U.S. scientific participation in the Scientific Committee on Problems in the Environment (SCOPE), a committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). The objectives of SCOPE are: (1) to advance knowledge of (a) the influence of humans on their environment and (b) the effects of environmental changes upon people, their health, and their welfare, particularly those influences and effects that are either global or are shared by several nations; and (2) to serve as a council of scientists acting as a source of advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies on issues concerning the environment. By means of this award, U.S. scientists who comprise the U.S. National Committee for SCOPE, and supporting staff at the NAS, will continue their involvement in international projects coordinated by SCOPE on sustainable development, biodiversity, and the effects of increased ultraviolet radiation on biological systems. ***