9703587 Hayashida The International Research Fellow Awards Program enables U.S. scientists and engineers to conduct three to twenty four months of research abroad. The program's awards provide opportunities for joint research, and the use of unique or complementary facilities, expertise and experimental conditions abroad. This award will support a twelve-month postdoctoral research visit by Dr. Frances M. Hayashida to work with Dr. Ursel Wagner at the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Dr. Hayashida surveyed and excavated pottery workshops discovered at Inka administrative sites on the North Coast of Peru for her dissertation research. For this research project, she will work with Dr. Wagner to analyze the composition of the pottery and clay. Production in Inka workshops can reflect both the traditions of potters, but also mandates of the state government. By investigating the manufacturing process and to better distinguish what may have been a part of a "state technology", pottery and clay samples of both Inka and local style pottery from workshops will be analyzed using thin section microsopy, neutron activation analysis, x-ray diffraction, and Mossbauer spectroscopy. ***