This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project aims to develop high oxygen barrier films from environmentally-benign polymers. High oxygen barrier films are primarily composed of polymers derived from petrochemicals. Poly(ethylene carbonate) (PEC) is an environmentally-friendly polymer, produced from ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide (containing 50 wt% CO2). PEC has excellent gas barrier properties, particularly for oxygen, but to date, inefficient manufacturing techniques have prevented its use in high oxygen barrier film applications. Novomer will synthesize PEC with improved gas barrier properties using a novel and efficient catalyst system. The resultant polymers will be formed into multi-layer films whose gas barrier properties will be evaluated. Successful research will yield commercially viable poly(ethylene carbonate) high oxygen barrier films.
The project will have broad impact and commercial potential. The research will lead to improved manufacturing techniques that enable the use of nvironmentally-friendly polymers in the high oxygen barrier market. The use of poly(ethylene carbonate) films in this market will reduce use of petrochemicals in polymer production (approximately 4% of world oil production is used as polymer feedstocks). Further, poly(ethylene carbonate) uses carbon dioxide as a feedstock - enabling the development of valuable product from what would otherwise be a pollutant. Commercially, the efficient catalyst technology will make environmentally-friendly polymers a cost-effective alternative to polymers derived from petrochemicals.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).