9321057 Simchon This SBIR Phase II project addresses a modified, augmented hydrostatic extrusion process for production of very fine wire. Such wire is used as bonding wire in microchips. With the advent of modern micro-electronics, the need for gold and aluminum wire of fine diameter has continuously increased. In the fabrication of very fine wire, severe limits exist on the speed, reduction per mass, and thinness of the emerging wire. In the Phase I study of the processes of wire drawing and augmented hydrostatic extrusion (hydraw) of very fine wire, root causes and the nature of these limitations were studied, both analytically and experimentally. A modified process for Phase II was designed according to criteria developed in this study. Wire of 0.5 mil (0.0125 mm) was produced, and experimental quantities of wire were made on laboratory equipment and tested. The Phase II goal is a production prototype hydraw unit for 0.5 mil gold and aluminum wire. The prototype machine will be used to study the reliability and quality of the wire product and economic parameters of the modified hydraw concept.