9413109 Danyluk This Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) is being funded as a multi-site research Center. Northwestern University is adding the Georgia Institute of Technology as a research site in the I/UCRC for Engineering Tribology research. Four companies are joining the Center with the Georgia Institute of Technology becoming an additional research site in the Center. The joint operation will add research activities on modelling of mechanical seals, investigation of hydrodynamic film forming capability of various liquids, and the optimization of the dicing of silicon wafers to the existing research activities and attract more companies to joint the Center. The researchers involved with the Centers are well qualified to perform the research projects. The Program manager recommends the Georgia Insitute of Technology be awarded $50,000 for the first year of a five year continuing award. Near the end of each 12-month period, the Program Manager and/or the Division Director of the Engineering Education and Center's Division will review the progress of the Center on a number of renewal criteria, including the following: 1) the extent to which the industry/university interaction is developing; 2) the extent to which the support base is developing; and 3) the extent to which a robust research program is developing. If the review is satisfactory, the Program Manager will recommend support for the next period of this continuing award.