This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is to develop and demonstrate a low cost system for Wireless Remote Evaluation of Abutments and Piers (WREBAP). The WREBAP system addresses the most common cause of bridge failure: i.e., from floods, during which scour of bridge foundations causes failure of piers and abutments. Accurate and timely evaluation of these critical bridge abutment and pier conditions that can lead to such failures is a critical part of implementing a cost-effective, safety conscious bridge management program. The WREBAP system is based on long-term monitoring of pier and abutment movements caused by thermal and dead loading. These movements, and their relationship to measured distortions, are combined with parameter estimation models to determine the characteristics of unknown foundations and overall condition of the pier or abutment. The information is transmitted autonomously to the Department of Transportation bridge management database where it could be used for rehabilitation planning and budgeting, prioritization, and rapid and emergency response. By eliminating wires and using low cost, mass produced electronic components, the system will be low cost (target = $5000-$10000 per bridge). This price range makes the system affordable for implementation on a large number of structures, so that the population of bridges can be effectively monitored. The key technical issues to be faced in the development of the WREBAP system are: (1) the reliability and accuracy of pier and abutment evaluations using long term monitoring data; and (2) the ability of the proposed system to provide data of adequate quality. The Phase I program will address these two issues by (1) conducting simulation pier and abutment evaluations using simple models and synthesized data; and (2) designing and demonstrating field data collection using an experimental prototype system mounted to an in-service bridge. The proposed system, when fully developed, will be applicable to all bridges owned by State and Local departments of transportation, railroad companies, and toll and tunnel authorities.